In early Sept. 2012, the market price of many insecticide technical maintained a downtrend. As of 7 Sept., 10 of the 16 insecticides monitored by CCM witnessed price decline, such as chlorpyrifos, abamectin and lambda-cyhalothrin; the price of the rest like imidacloprid and carbofuran almost kept stable, according to CCM’s September issue of Insecticides China News
There are some factors responsible for the price decrease of insecticides. Firstly, August is usually a slack season for the export of most insecticides, so their prices usually start to decline in Aug. Secondly, the demand for insecticides since mid-Aug. 2012 isn't so large as before and the serious outbreak time of insect pests ended in Sept. Besides, the price of raw materials or intermediates of some insecticides is decreasing.
The decline in ex-factory price of 95% chlorpyrifos technical since this May continues in Sept., dropping to USD5,369/t by a 11.21% year-on-year decrease. Its price once witnessed a little increase in March and April this year but started to decline in May, mainly because o,o-diethylthiophosphoryl chloride (DETCL, a raw material of chlorpyrifos) has been decreasing since May and the export volume of chlorpyrifos in the export peak season (May-Aug.) isn't so large as that in the same period last year. It is predicted that chlorpyrifos technical's price won't largely decrease in a short future, as the price of sodium 3,5,6-trichloro-2-hydroxypyridin (STCP, an important intermediate of it) has already largely decreased and come very close to the level that producers can accept. The ex-factory price of 85% STCP was USD4,784/t on 7 Sept., 2012, down 33.96% year on year.
The price of abamectin products is depressed. The price of abamectin technical powder has been running very high due to the investigation into abamectin ointment in domestic market since April 2012. However, since July, its price has decreased, as the investigation has been reduced. Plus, the demand for abamectin technical powder is weak. Affected by this, the ex-factory price as high as USD94,190/t in this June of 70% emamectin benzoate technical has become history. If the price of abamectin technical powder still keeps decreasing, the price of 70% emamectin benzoate technical will continue to fall.
The price of lambda-cyhalothrin technical has decreased since Feb. 2012 due to strong competion from India. Besides, the price of almost all pyrethroid insecticides has started to fall in the past few months due to the decreased price 3-formyldiphenyl ether, an important raw material of these insecticides.
The price of methomyl technical begins to fall, owing to a slightly decreasing demand for it. However, the price still stays high because of a continuously intense supply. Many producers have stopped production since Aug. due to the high temperature. As tight supply will continue, the price of methomyl won't largely decrease.
A few insecticide technicals kept a stable price in early Sept. 2012, such as imidacloprid and carbofuran. The room for imidacloprid's price rise is small as the price has been at a high level, although the demand for imidacloprid is still large with increase in export orders. The supply of carbofuran would become tight due to the short supply of its raw material, 2,3-dihydro-2,2-dimethyl-7-benzofuranol.
Source: Insecticides China News 1209
Main content of Insecticides China News 1209:
Decade's worst armyworm outbreak in China
Jiangsu Lanfeng’s H1 insecticide revenue up 232.05%
Anqing Boyuan to focus on pesticide formulations
Hubei Sanonda puts on poor performance in H1
Pymetrozine outstanding among rice insecticides this year
80% nitenpyram • pymetrozine WG largely promoted
China's H1 lambda-cyhalothrin export volume up 29% year on year
Sipcam to launch Paecilomyces lilacinus in China
Termite control market very hot at present
Fourth-generation cotton bollworm to hit 1.6 million ha. of cotton field
Nantong Shizhuang: first domestic registrant of indoxacarb technical
41 insecticide technicals registered in China in Jan.-Aug.
Monthly ex-factory prices of key raw materials in China, Sept. 2012
Monthly ex-factory prices of main insecticides in China, Sept. 2012
Monthly Shanghai Port prices and FOB Shanghai price of main insecticides, Sept. 2012
Average market price of main crops in China, 31 Aug., 2012
Many insecticides' price decreases in early Sept.
Insecticides China News, a monthly publication issued by CCM on 10th of every month, provides the latest and influential analysis on insecticide industry for you, including company dynamics, supply and demand, price analysis, policy, raw material and intermediate.
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