Published on the 10th every month, Fungicides China News is a monthly publication released by CCM. It offers timely update and close follow up of China’s various kind of fungicides market dynamics, analyze the market data and trends. Major columns include new legislations, company strategy, investment opportunities, advanced technology and quality fungicides.
Following are headline news of the latest issue of Fungicides China News:
Noposion's revenue of fungicide business up 6.48% year on year in H1 2012
Noposion's revenue of fungicide business increases by 6.48% year on year in H1 2012, though its total revenue decreases by 3.88% over H1 2011.
Lanfeng Biochemical: revenue slightly climbs but net profit significantly drops in H1 2012
Lanfeng Biochemical's revenue slightly climbs but its net profit significantly drops in H1 2012.
Huifeng Agrochemical turns performance decline around in H1 2012
Huifeng Agrochemical successfully turns its performance decline around in H1 2012, enjoying double-digit growth in its revenue and net profit.
Qianjiang Biochemical avoids financial deficit in H1 2012 by relocation compensation
Qianjiang Biochemical performs poorly in the first half of 2012, but it avoids financial deficit by the large relocation compensation from the government.
Shenyang Sciencreat's pyraoxystrobin to market in 2013
Shengyang Sciencreat will launch its pyraoxystrobin formulations into domestic market in 2013.
BASF registers initium in China
BASF registers initium 98% TC and dimethomorph•initium 47% SC in China on 6 Aug., 2012, which will be good for the products' promotion.
Ethylenediamine price keeps downturn in 2012
Ex-factory price of ethylenediamine in China keeps downturn from Jan. 2012 to early Sept. 2012, and it is estimated to still remain in a stagnant state in the rest months of this year.
Fungicides to control rice blast enjoy fast sale recently
Fungicides to control rice blast enjoy fast sale recently in main middle and late rice planting regions of China with the advent of high incidence of this disease.
Fungicide import jumps but export slides in China in first seven months of 2012
Fungicide import jumps but export slides in China from Jan. to July 2012.
First domestic azoxystrobin mixture registered by Shaanxi Biaozheng
First domestic azoxystrobin mixture, namely difenoconazole•azoxystrobin 30% SC, is registered by Shaanxi Biaozheng recently, which will bring it handsome profit in the near future.
Rice diseases and insect pests continue spreading
Rice diseases and insect pests continue spreading in China, accumulatively striking about 51.33 million ha. of rice by Aug. 16, 2012, according to NATESC.
Potato late blight occurs seriously in Gansu
Potato late blight seriously occurs in Gansu recently, with stricken area accumulatively reaching around 391,353 ha. by mid-Aug. 2012.
Phenazino-1-carboxylic acid 1% SC gains second registration in China
On July 30, 2012, Jiangxi Poer has gained the formal registration of phenazino-1-carboxylic acid 1% SC, the second registration of the product in China.
Fungicide registration overview in Jan.-Aug. 2012
New registrations of fungicides reach 388 in China from Jan. 1 to Aug. 2, 2012, according to ICAMA.
Price update in Sept. 2012
Monthly ex-factory and market prices of key fungicide raw materials, 10 Sept. 2012 Monthly ex-factory prices of main fungicides, 10 Sept. 2012 Monthly Shanghai port prices and FOB Shanghai of main fungicides, 10 Sept. 2012 Monthly Shanghai port prices and FOB Shanghai of main fungicides, 10 Sept. 2012
Pesticide export volume and value see double-digit decline in Guangdong in H1 2012
According to GAC, pesticide export volume and value saw double-digit decline in Guangdong Province in the first half of 2012.
Zibo Wanchang's net profit up 63.17% year on year in H1 2012
Zibo Wanchang achieved double-digit growth in its net profit in H1 2012-63.17%.
China's output of early rice up 1.6% year on year in 2012
National Bureau of Statistics of China disclosed that the total output of early rice reached 33.29 million tonnes this year, up 1.6% year on year.
Pesticide technical's output up 27.3% year on year in China in July 2012
China's output of pesticide technical increased by 27.3% year on year in July 2012 to about 292,795 tonnes.
Six fungcides' common names of Sinochem Group approved by ISO
Recently,ISO approved the common names of Sinochem Group's six fungicides, including coumoxystrobin, enoxastrobin, flufenoxystrobin, fenamistrobin, tricyclopyricarb and pyrisoxazole respectively.
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