Thursday, December 13, 2012

China's first Agricultural Insurance Regulations issued

Investment in agricultural industry has been hot in recent years, and modern agriculture is also considered to be a potential investment field. Based on the current situation of China's modern agricultural industry, it's suggested that more capital and highly advanced management are needed for building some famous brands and increasing the industrial concentration.

On 12 Nov., 2012, China's first law for agricultural insurance, Agricultural Insurance Regulations (Regulations), was formally issued after the soliciting of public opinions for half a year. Besides, the Regulations shall be effective as of March 1, 2013, according to an announcement published by the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council (LAOSC).

Agricultural insurances can be divided into planting industry insurance, breeding insurance and forest insurance basing on agriculture category. Among which, planting industry insurance refers to the business of providing insurance to grain crops and industrial crops. That is to say, rice, wheat, soybean, sorghum, corn, cotton, tobacco, tea, mulberry, sugarcane, herbs, vegetables, etc. are underwritten by the insurance.

The Regulations mainly aims to regulate agricultural insurance activities, protect the lawful rights and interests of the parties to the contract for agricultural insurance, enhance the capability to withstand risks during agricultural production and help agricultural insurance develop well.

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