Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Hot Fungicides in China in 2011

China's fungicide industry has been in the ascendant trend in recent years with the pull of demand contributed by the gradually extended planting areas of vegetables and fruits which resulted in more disease varieties, the poor resistance of most crops against diseases as well as the enlarged application range, like fresh-keeping for vegetables and fruits, industrial anti-mildew, etc., according to CCM’s February Issue of Fungicides China News.

Under the circumstances, a series of fungicides have become mainstream products in domestic fungicide market in 2011. In detail, some conventional fungicides such as carbendazim, thiophanate-methyl, triadimefon, cymoxanil•mancozeb, propiconazole, etc., have been greatly welcomed in the market of several major diseases' control, like rice sheath blight, rice false smut, wheat sheath blight, wheat stripe rust, late blight of vegetables and potato and so on, with over 5% proportion of the total sales value of fungicides in 2011. 

Besides, some relatively new fungicides, such as enostroburin, SYP-1620, SYP-Z048 (developed by Shenyang Research Institute of Chemical Industry), thiodiazole-copper (developed by Zhejiang Longwan Chemicals Co. , Ltd.), etc., have also been received favorably in domestic market in 2011.
It is worth noting that some mixed fungicide formulations, like flumorph•mancozeb and pyraclostrobin•dimethomorph to fight against potato late blight, myclobutanil•mancozeb and propiconazole•azoxystrobin to control banana leaf spot have seized good market share last year. 

It is well known that rice fungicide market is a fierce battlefield for agrochemical companies driven by the handsome profit. Besides some traditional fungicides like kitazine, iprobenfos, isoprothiolane, etc., the demand for other new fungicides with high efficiency, especially ethylicin, kresoxim-methyl, tetramycin, prochloraz, etc., to prevent and control rice blast has been rising in China last year.
In terms of rice sheath blight's control, the market share of jingangmycin has been gradually shrinking in Chinese major rice planting areas in recent years, suffering carve-up to a great extent from other fungicides mainly including hexaconazole, tebuconazole, polyoxin, propoconazole•difenoconazole, etc. 

As to fungicide categories, triazole fungicides, which play an increasingly important role in the disease control on various crops, have been selling well in domestic market in 2011. The consumption volume of triazole fungicides with broad spectrum and high efficiency has exceeded 10,000 tonnes in China last year, accounting for about 15% of the total sales volume of all fungicides. Thereinto, tebuconazole, propiconazole and triadimefon were the top three triazole fungicide varieties in China in 2011 by market value.
Meanwhile, some overseas companies' fungicides have seized larger market share in China last year, thanks to their excellent control effect, vigorous promotion and sound brand image, such as pyraclostrobin•metiram 60% WDG, pyraclostrobin 250g/L EC, kresoxim-methyl•boscalid 300g/L SC, azoxystrobin 250g/L SC, difenoconazole•azoxystrobin 325g/L SC, trifloxystrobin•tebuconazole 75% WDG and so forth. 

In 2012, the demand for fungicides will increase in China and is predicted to reach about 78,100 tonnes, up 7.26% compared with that in 2011. However, the market competition of fungicides will be more and more brutal due to the expanded capacity, the price hike of most raw materials and the forceful impact from multinational enterprises in the future.

Source: Fungicides China News 1202

Main content of Fungicides China News 1202:
Hot fungicides in China in 2011
Lier Chemical registers azoxystrobin 95% TC 
Noposion aims at kresoxim-methyl formulation market
Jiangsu Sword relocates pesticide production lines to JBCIP
Veyong's net profit down 63.07% year on year in 2011
Hymexazol's sales volume rises in 2011
Carbendazim's market competition to be fiercer in 2012
Shandong's pesticide industry recovers tortuously in 2011
Ji'an Tongrui to run gibberellic acid technical production
Jiangsu Anpon to seize more market share of ethephon 
Jixi Agricultural's difenoconazole 30g/L FS sells well in 2011
Ex-factory price of tricyclazole 95% TC rises in early 2012
Diseases and insect pests' occurrence area to up 4% year on year in China in 2012
Major crop diseases to seriously occur in Jiangsu in 2012
About 30% of dimethomorph technical exported in China in 2011

Fungicides China News, a monthly publication issued by CCM International on 10th of every month, provides a wealth of exclusive information and analysis, research and development dynamics of domestic competitors, analysis on import and export of key products, cooperative opportunities with domestic and foreign companies, and market information of foreign patent-expired products.

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