Thursday, April 21, 2011

Rice Diseases Predicted to occur seriously in 2011

Guangzhou China April 14, 2011 - China is one of the original centres of rice cultivation. It is the world's largest rice producer, and it is also the pioneer of hybrid rice. Rice is an important staple food and cash crop of China.
However, the rice crop is subjected to more than forty diseases, which is one of the factors for low yields of rice in the world (including China). The diseases may appear at any stage of the growth and development of plant, attacking the seed sown, root system, foliage, stalk, leaf sheath, inflorescence and even the developing grain.
In 2010, due to the wide spread of rice virus disease and bad weather, output of rice in China was cut down. In Feb. 2011, experts made a forecast on rice disease according to weather change, related data and inspection. It is predicted that occurrence of rice diseases in 2011 will be more serious than the previous year, and the total stricken area of rice diseases will hit about 26.67 million ha. in 2011, up 5.26% compared with last year.
Detailed data was collected in CCM's monthly newsletter of April 2011- Fungicides China News, which is published in mid of each month. The newsletter also contains related dynamics of fungicides products, markets and major producers.
About products information: The newsletter finds that the supply of Mancozeb and domestic flusilazole technical is tight at present due to its strong demand growth. Coumoxystrobin 20% SC , exclusively produced by Jilin Bada, has entered into domestic market in March 2011. The ex-factory price of prochloraz 97% TC has jumped sharply to USD9,467/t in early Apr. 2011, up 28.11% compared with last month. Xinaomycin, a bio-fungicide, also enjoys bright market prospect. About 80% iprodione technical produced by domestic pesticide producers is exported to overseas market with great demand.
About producers and players: Three companies are promoting trinexapac-ethyl technical. Zhejiang Heben and Shanghai Shengnong, are producing triflumizole 95% technical and triflumizole 30% WP. Jiangsu Frey is relocating to the International Chemical Industrial Park of Zhenjiang Economic Development Zone. Changqing Agrochemical is building fenoxanil technical production line with capacity of 500t/a, which will fully be put into production in late 2011. On 22 March 2011, Jiangsu Huifeng launched its 900t/a dimethomorph technical production line, which makes it become the second largest domestic dimethomorph technical producer. Qianjiang Biochemical's both net profit and revenue witnessed an increase of 88.76% and 20.95% year on year to USD7.59 million and USD66.01 million respectively in 2010. Shaanxi Kangze is going to promote difenoconazole·azoxystrobin 32.5% AS in the domestic market in mid-2011.

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